Forest Sector Charter Council
The Forest Sector Charter Council is a section 21 company dedicated to the transformation and sustainable growth of South Africa’s Forest Sector. Established in 2009 to ensure the effective implementation of the amended Forest Sector Code and create economic opportunities for historically disadvantaged groups.
Advocating B-BBEE implementation through the Amended Forest Sector Code
The Forest Sector Transformation Charter process originated from the BBBEE Act, No 53 of 2003 and was launched in Midrand in 2005. The draft Charter was developed between 2025-2008 by the working groups in consultation with the Steering Committee, with the final draft Charter launched for public comments in May 2008.
The Forest Charter was published as a Sector Code in 12 June 2009 and is thus legally binding to all qualifying enterprises. The Codes were reviewed in 2014 and gazetted as Amended Forest Sector Codes in 2017.
Its main objective is “To extend economic opportunities and benefits of the Forest Sector to previously disadvantaged black groups”. The Sector Code applies to Growers, Contracting, Fibre, Sawmilling, Pole and Charcoal sub-sector.
Meet Our Charter Council Members
It consists of members representing industry, government departments, community and labour.