Transformation in a Forestry Context
When people mention the forest sector, the first vision that comes to mind is one of rows of planted trees, often at the exclusion of everything else. This is a highly restricted and minimal view of a diverse, multifaceted, vertically integrated sector. One that starts with planted trees but rapidly moves along a variety of value chains, specialising in particular transformations of the raw wood to create a multitude of processed products.
Introducing the transformation pillars
FSCC view the five transformation pillars as more than simply reporting tools; they have the potential to be the platforms from which FSCC can actively encourage, support, and facilitate transformation across the sector
She Is Forestry SA – a blueprint for facilitating transformation.
The She Is Forestry SA initiative is a prime example of how FSCC can effectively facilitate transformation. It was initiated by FSCC and Forestry South Africa (FSA) to promote gender equality, a key component of the Management Control transformation pillar. Over the past four years, the She Is Forestry SA initiative has garnered huge support from across all the FSCC audiences (Industry, Government, Youth and Community), providing a platform to promote gender equality, recognise the integral role women play across the forest sector and to extend the opportunities found within forestry to those living beyond its borders. The She Is Forestry SA example showcases how investing in transformation pillar initiatives that facilitate, encourage and support the Sector in reaching its transformation targets enables FSCC to create lasting change rather than simply monitoring transformation.